The agricultural sector is the most susceptible sector for climate change hazards and shocks in form of water shortages/prolonged and recurrent droughts, pest and disease infestation, soil erosion, and degradation of agricultural and pastoral lands. To overcome these problems, ADO applies a climate-smart agricultural approach by coming up with interventions that are tested and build the strength of the rural communities. Part of those interventions is introducing sustainable water harvesting dams with installed advanced agricultural technologies including drip irrigation, provision of quality seeds that are pest and disease resistant and drought-tolerant, and learning recommended practices for fodder conservation and management. These developmental responses enable sustainable production during unpredictable dry seasons. 

The environmental natural resources are one of the main areas that climate change is negatively affected in the form of desertification for charcoal production, land degradation, gully erosion, desert locust infestation, and the spread of crop pests and diseases. To alleviate these challenges, the ADO introduced responses that contributed to the restoration of natural resources.

Climate Adaptive Village 

The Climate Adapted Villages Methodology (CAV) is a development fund’s approach to work on climate adaptation with the community. CAV principal objective: is to increase the adaptation capability in rural communities through more knowledge of the local effects of climate change, better planning, and sustainability by working with the community to understand their direct vulnerabilities and needs. ADO prepared and developed community adaptation plans using the CAV approach.