Child Protection

Children’s mental health, their sense of security are fundamental parts of childhood – and their long-term well-being. During insecurity threats, children become vulnerable to trafficking, sexual exploitation, and abuse. Children’s prospects are disrupted by the loss of education, social support, health care, and economic opportunities. 

ADO places human dignity at the center of its development and relief programs. At the heart of ADO, efforts are marginalized groups particularly vulnerable children and women to ensure social protection measures. ADO’s mission in child protection is to prevent and respond to neglect and abuse of children during times of emergency and other crises Emergencies can carry on long after the initial crisis has passed. They require effective and sustainable solutions to provide both short and long-term protection to children living in the wake of disaster and conflict. 

Most common risks: 

ADO staff are well trained and undergo thorough safeguarding training – including safeguarding processes and best practice. Advice and information around safeguarding are also easily accessible on ADO’s guides for field staff, information is also communicated with others so that any signs can be recognized and acted on as early as possible. 

ADO conducts community awareness and campaigns to inform and teach communities about individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm and the prevention of any form of child rights violations and how to respond during emergencies. 

ADO applies the following principles to ensure the protection of children and youth groups:
– protecting children from any abuse and maltreatment 
–  preventing harm to children’s health or development  ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes. When in contact with someone who may be vulnerable
– It is our duty to recognize, record, respond, and report any safeguarding concerns.


ADO strongly adheres to The Humanitarian Charter